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The Baronial Order of Magna Charta (BOMC) was founded in 1898 as The Baronial Order of Runnymede during the flowering of scholarly and popular interest in the history and development of the Anglo-Saxon people that characterized the final decades of Queen Victoria’s reign.

For over a century BOMC has been a leading proponent organization whose purpose is the promulgation and support of the principles set forth in that world-pervasive document — the Magna Carta.

BOMC hosts several meetings during the year at which time scholarly presentations regarding the Magna Carta and its principles are made. BOMC has established a scholarship program to award  students from American law schools who have a direct interest in studying the principles of the Magna Carta. For over ten years BOMC has been a major financial contributor to the Magna Carta Trust and is actively planning major 800th Celebration activities.

For further information, please contact Robert Vivian, Marshal: 

Please click here to go to the Baronial Order’s website.

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