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The American Bar Association to launch their Magna Carta programme at Houston, Texas Multiple lectures across the country: featuring Prof. Nigel Saul, Prof. David Carpenter, Lord Judge, Sir Robert Worcester together with University of Virginia Magna Carta Scholar Professor Dick Howard.
2-4th – The four surviving 1215 Magna Carta will be united at the British Library
5th – The four 1215 Magna Carta will then be united at Parliament
5-20th ‘Magna Carta & Parliament’ exhibition to take place in Parliament – public tours
5thIntelligence Squared to host a panel discussion, ‘Magna Carta, Myth & Meaning’ – featuring Dr David Starkey, at the Royal Institute of Great Britain.
11thLincoln Magna Carta Lecture Series: Prof. I. E. Moore
19th – Lord Judge Lecture – ‘Magna Carta – Luck or Judgement?’
23-25thThe Global Law Summit – leading legal minds will come together to discuss the Rule of Law.

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I am delighted to have been asked to speak to you this evening. This is an event which marks a number of important themes. As we have heard, we celebrate a major anniversary – the 50th anniversary of the Magna Carta Trust...

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