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‘Magna Flora’ Flower Festival at Salisbury
2nd – 22nd‘Magna Carta Women’, at the Guildhall Art Gallery, London. Click here for more information.
5th – Sir Mark Elder Lecture, Part of the Lincoln Magna Carta Lecture Series
5th – Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History host a conference on ‘Suffolk and Liberty‘.
7th – A London – wide Magna Carta Citizenship Ceremony presided over by Mayor of London Boris Johnson.
18th – The University of Westminster hosts two primary school classes in a lecture on Magna Carta and the Rule of Law today. Seminars later in the day will reflect upon problem solving and principles of fairness. Pupils will then use the Little Titchfield campus for a Moot, potentially with a real judge.
19th & 20th: City of London Open House Weekend. Sites of importance in the Magna Carta story will be open to the public.
19th September: A Son et Lumiere at the Guildhall, City of London. The Guildhall Art Gallery houses the City’s 1297 issue of Magna carta.
19th – 20th – “Revealing Magna Carta at Temple”. More information about this here.
22nd September – 1st October – ‘Parliament as the Cornerstone of Democracy‘, programme of four seminars and a conference at the University of Brescia, with speeches by Professor Robert Blackburn, Dr Mark Gill and others. Click here to download the programme.
23rd Liberteas at Worcester Cathedral: ‘On Slavery’, with Prof. Suzanne Swartz
24th – 27th: Blenheim Palace Literary Festival. Dan Jones, Speaker. Click here for more information.
24th September – 6th October: The touring exhibition, ‘Magna Carta Rediscovered‘, will be on display at Sandwich. This event will be particularly special as it will be the first time that Sandwich’s Magna Carta and its sister document the Charter of the Forest will be displayed together to the public.
25th – 29thCartmel Priory Magna Carta 800th Anniversary Festival. A week of events including a Flower Show, Son et Lumiere, Medieval Tournament, and two special festival services.
25th – 24th October – ‘Magna Carta Women‘, at Sarum College, Salisbury, Wiltshire. Click here for more information.
28th – Bristol Legal Walk. Click here for more information.
28th – ‘Magna Carta: the Charter That Changed the World‘, Windsor Castle. Professor David Carpenter, Speaker. Part of the Windsor Festival. Click here to book tickets.

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Introduction – Runnymede and all that. Winston Churchill described the Magna Carta as “the foundation of principles and systems of government of which neither King John or his nobles dreamed”. Now in Politics we’re used to the law of unintended consequences...

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