The Play
The play tells the dramatic story of the struggle between King John and his rebel barons. We burst into a rowdy House of Commons where the great seventeenth century lawyer Edward Coke is in full flow. It is he who realises the significance of the Great CHarter after hundreds of years of neglect.
King John is portrayed as a complex and brilliant man, albeit with a dark side, who suffers tremendous angst at the loss of his French possessions. His determination to get the lands back leads to higher taxes on his subjects. Resentment of this grows as suspicion of John deepens: the nagging question as to who killed Arthur of Brittany runs through the play, with the implication that it might well have been King John.
4th June : All Hallows By the Tower Byward Street, London EC3R 5BJ at 7.30 pm. Tickets £10 Concessions £8 available on the door.
It is advisable to book in advance stating your name and the number of seats you wish to reserve 020 7481 2928
5th June : St Mary Le Bow Cheapside, London EC2V 6AU at 7.30 pm
Tickets £10 Concessions £8 available on the door
It is advisable to book in advance stating your name and the number of seats you wish to reserve: 020 7248 5139
22nd August : Newark Castle
26th September : Chapter House, Merton Abbey Mills
21st November : St Mary’s Parish Church, Staines
How to Book
Magna Carta is the latest production by Historia Theatre Company. We are offering it from June 2015 as a theatrical contribution to the events which are being planned this year to celebrate the Great Charter. It will work as a dramatised reading, lightly costumed. We use professional actors. If you are interested in booking this performance please contact:
Kate Glover, Artistic Director of Historia Theatre Company at or call 07811 892 079.
About Historia Theatre Company
Using professional actors, the company stages plays that have their source or inspiration in history. Previous productions include Queen Anne, which had a highly successful run at The Barons Court Theatre in 2014, a two-year schools tour about the Suffragettes; The Sound of Breaking Glass by Sally Sheringham (2012-2013); Judenfrei: Love and Death in Hitler’s Germany by Kate Glover at the New End Theatre (2011) and on tour in (2010). Other productions include An African’s Blood (national tour 2007-8) about the abolition of the slave trade, Five Eleven about the Gunpowder Plot (2005) and Evelina (2004), an adaptation of Fanny Burney’s novel.
Historia Theatre Company is a registered charity (Reg: Charity 1099807) and a member of the Independent Theatre Council (ITC).
Kate Glover is an actor, playwright and the founder of Historia Theatre Company. Previous plays include Queen Anne (2014), Judenfrei: Love and Death in Hitler’s Germany (2010), An African’s Blood (tour 2007/8), Five Eleven (2005), Evelina (2004) an adaptation of the novel by Fanny Burney (Pentameters Theatre), A Passionate Englishman (City Of London Festival), Do You Like Being an Aunt? and Gerard Manley Hopkins S.J.
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