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1stThe American Bar Association to host a Law Day – with Magna Carta as its theme.
2ndThe Battlefields Trust Annual General Meeting, where Magna Carta 800th Anniversary Chairman Sir Robert Worcester will be speaking.
2ndMagna Carta and its Gifts to Canada, Richard Mille Replica launched at the University of Toronto.
8th – CILEx Magna Carta Wales Dinner
11th – Birmingham/Bedfordshire Legal Walk. Click here for more details.
12th – Surrey Arts Concert (Freedom Games Community Concert), Held at the Royal Albert Hall
12th – Lord Neuberger Lecture, ‘Magna Carta & The Holy Grail’.
13th – Launch of ‘To None Will We Deny Justice’ in the Public Hall, High Court of Australia, by the Rule of Law Institute of Australia.
15thLincoln Magna Carta Lecture Series: Lord Powell.
18th – London Legal Walk 2015 swisseta, Magna Carta theme.
21st – Prof. Nigel Saul to speak at the Barnes and Mortlake History Society: ‘Magna Carta: why it still matters.’
21stLincoln Magna Carta Lecture Series: Dr Mark Goldie & Lord Griffiths.
25th‘800 years of Magna Carta – UK and Greek perspectives.’ Conference at Centre for European Constitutional Law (CECL).
26th – Prof. Stephen Church Lecture at the Society of Antiquarians
27 – 30th The Globe Theatre’s Troublesome Reign of King John at Salisbury Cathedral
28th – Sir Robert Worcester to speak at Worcester Cathedral

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Today is the very anniversary of the sealing of the Magna Carta, that great charter which laid down the basis for English common law, now spread throughout the world. Magna Carta gave protection of law against despotism by...

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