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Round 5 Projects (Announced January 2015)

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Leavenheath Open Garden & Magna Carta Working Group: Leavenheath Open Garden & Magna Carta Scarecrow Event

This event will encourage residents of all ages to be creative and show how important our history is and the impact key moments in our past are still relevant in 21st century.

Long Crendon Preservation Society: Magna Carta Commemoration Rose and Oak Tree Garden

Long Crendon’s Magna Charta rose garden will form part of the lasting reminders for future generations of villagers of the importance of Magna Carta in the history of democracy of the roles played by their Lord of the Manor, William Marshal, Earl of Pembroke, and his eldest son, William Marshal the Younger, in the preparation and sealing of the Charter in 1215.

Magna Carta Committee of Australia: Commemorative Event to Mark 800th Anniversary of Sealing of Magna Carta
The Magna Carta Committee of Australia is organising a public event at Magna Carta Place, Canberra on Sunday afternoon, 14 June 2015, both to celebrate the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta and to acknowledge the part played by the Australian Defence Forces over the last century in defending the rights and freedoms that Australians enjoy today. Many of these rights and freedoms can be traced back to Magna Carta and the British common law, which was imported into Australia at the time of British settlement in 1788.

Epworth Magna Carta 800 Society: Epworth Magna Carta 800 Celebrations
A host of events and activities, including an exhibition in the town’s 12th – Century church.

Castle Hedingham Parish Council: Castle Hedingham Magna Carta Embroidery and Commemorative Panels

The intention is to produce two permanent celebratory community Art and Design works representing the significance of the Magna Carta and the part that Castle Hedingham, with its Magna Carta baron Robert de Vere, played in the story.

Tongland & Ringford Community Council: Scotland’s Link to Magna Carta; Alan, Lord of Galloway, and Tongland Abbey.

Tongland Abbey, founded by Alan, Lord of Galloway, will be the location for an information panel erected to commemorate Scotland’s link with Magna Carta.

University of Lincoln: An Anchor of Hope in a Storm

Taking cue from Lincoln’s historic connections with the Magna Carta and the Charter of the Forest, artist Ruth Ewan will develop a series of collaborative workshops with young people which will result in the creation of new works exploring the continuity of ideas first put forward via these historic documents.

Christ Church Cathedral Dublin: Magna Carta at Christ Church

Exclusive to Christ Church Cathedral, a very special 14th Century copy of Magna Carta, contained within our Liber Niger or ‘Black Book’, an eclectic mix of literary, theological, administrative and annalistic material created by the Canons of Christ Church, will form the centrepiece of a new, interactive family-friendly crypt exhibition.

The Sherwood Forest Trust: Sherwood’s Magna Carta Oak
Sherwood Forest is famous for its ancient oak trees – and to be classified as an ‘ancient’, an oak has to be aged over 500 years old. The Parliament Oak is one of the few named trees of Sherwood Forest and is estimated as being 1200 years old.

Topcliffe Parish Council – Magna Carta Celebrations Committee: Magna Carta 800th Anniversary Celebrations
A day of celebration will be held on Sunday 14th June to commemorate the 800th anniversary and significance of Topcliffe in the Historic application of the Royal Great Seal to Magna Carta.

Curry Mallet Parish Council Magna Carta 800 Committee: Curry Mallet Magna Carta 800 Project Expansion

Curry Mallet Magna Carta 800 is a committee of the Parish Council set up to work alongside the Primary School, Church and local community to formulate plans for activities and events in 2015.

The Odiham Society: Magna Carta Living History Festival at Odiham Castle

King John was at Odiham frequently during May 1215 and the spirit of Magna Carta was captured in great style during events to commemorate the 800th anniversary of its sealing.

Mustaqbill Future Foundation in partnership with Apna Virsa: Celebrating the 800th Anniversary of the Magna Carta in Slough

The aim of the project is to create and build awareness around the importance and modern relevance of the Magna Carta in the Borough of Slough.

Magna Carta in Clare: Magna Carta in Clare Festival

A series of events is being organised to provide adult educational, school and community opportunities to enjoy history, culture, entertainment and food of the period as well as to learn more about this important phase in Clare’s history.

Friends of RBWM Libraries: Magna Carta Poetry Joust

The Library Friends are a voluntary group set up in 2012.   We are presenting this project as a powerful chance for our community to learn about the Magna Carta and create poetry about this important local heritage.

Pleshey Magna Carta Events: Pleshey Magna Carta Celebrations

Pleshey Magna Carta Celebrations will engage, enlighten and entertain our local community with the significance of Magna Carta and the part played in this momentous moment in history by our baron, Geoffrey de Mandeville.

Rural Arts North Yorkshire: The Legacy of Mowbray
Thirsk town and surrounding communities will be engaged with Magna Carta’s 800th Anniversary through hands – on arts workshops and events.

Skillnet Group CIC: Big Charter
The group from Skillnet, an East Kent social enterprise, will run an interactive installation at The Beaney museum in Canterbury from Saturday 13 June to Sunday 28 June. Learners from Skillnet are studying Magna Carta and how to apply it to tackling today’s inequalities.

Skipton Magna Carta Working Group: Skipton Magna Carta 800 Celebrations
Skipton’s Magna Carta Celebrations bring together all parts of the local community to mark the Town’s direct connection to Magna Carta.

St Mary’s Barnes: Barnes Magna Carta Festivals

The Barnes Festivals will bring together local musicians with internationally-recognised artists and include orchestral, instrumental, choral and jazz music. There will be both medieval music and a wide variety of genres which interpret the legacy of Magna Carta on musical freedom and artistic expression.

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I am delighted to have been asked to speak to you this evening. This is an event which marks a number of important themes. As we have heard, we celebrate a major anniversary – the 50th anniversary of the Magna Carta Trust...

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