The Political Studies Association is strongly committed to engaging in the Magna Carta commemorations and ensuring that they produce a strong educational legacy. One way in which we are doing this is promoting the continuing importance and relevance of Magna Carta to school-age children, both through KS3 Citizenship, AS and A Level Politics & Government, and Higher and Advanced Higher Politics and Modern Studies.
Produced mainly by educators in the schools and college sectors, a series of essays have been written to instigate and provoke discussion in classes in order to ensure that there is a strong educational legacy for the 800th anniversary. The first two essays are now available to download.
Rathbone: Human Rights Act and Magna Carta
Lewis: What relevance is the Magna Carta today?
Prof. Justin Fisher discussed the importance of Magna Carta to the contemporary political landscape in the Teaching Citizenship magazine. Teaching Citizenship have kindly allowed us to host his article here:
Click here to download ‘Why Magna Carta Still Matters,’ TC Issue 39 – Summer 2014
Downloadable Resources:
The lesson plans below are courtesy of Andrew Wrenn, Freelance education consultant and a former Humanities Advisor for Cambridgeshire County
Council. For more information, please contact Andrew
LESSON PLAN: How Significant has Magna Carta been over time? PDF
LESSON PLAN: How significant has Magna Carta seemed over time? Powerpoint presentation.
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Rex no potest peccare (The King can do no wrong). How many of you have read Unbroken, the bestseller by Laura Hillenbrand about Olympic runner Louis Zamperini ‘s experiences in World War II? Perhaps ...
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