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We are developing a comprehensive bibliography which will aim to deal with all aspects of Magna Carta, its origins, meaning, and reinterpretation and significance over the centuries.

The bibliography will be published in three parts, each aimed at a different level of audience.

An elementary bibliography will list introductory books and online resources intended for those with little or no previous knowledge of Magna Carta and its history.

Our Intermediate bibliography – click here.

Our intermediate bibliography includes books, articles and online resources accessible to those with a general interest in English history from the Middle Ages onwards but who lack a specialist expertise in the field.

Our Advanced bibliography – Click Here

Our advanced bibliography features books, articles and online resources accessible to those who are studying or writing about English history and who want to deepen their understanding of the place of Magna Carta in English and world history.  This will be a bibliography intended for use especially by those at university level or beyond.

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Magna Carta, or as it is properly called the Great Charter of Liberty, was born on 15 June 1215 at Runnymede when King John – Bad King John as he is more commonly known – was persuaded to accede to a number of demands made...

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