The Workers’ Educational Association (WEA) project – Roots of Democracy: Learning from the Magna Carta – will take place in three of our Regions: Eastern, Southern and Yorkshire and Humber.
We are writing a short course to be offered to existing WEA groups studying a variety of subjects and will deliver this free activity from September 2015. A special extended course will be offered to ESOL students. We will include an on-line resource.
We aim to attract people living in areas of deprivation as well as people with a broad experience of democracy from a range of backgrounds e.g. refugees; and people with limited current understanding of the legacy of the Magna Carta. We aim for a third of the workshops to be aimed specifically at students who experience barriers to learning.
Some of our students (30 in total) will benefit from a visit to the British Library Exhibition before September 1st.
The anticipated impact:
– A minimum of 50 students engaged
– Cascade learning to other family members and communities
– Link up with other MC projects e.g. Unlock Democracy
– Overall we hope this project will mean:
– More people understanding the history of Magna Carta; more people recognising the value of democracy today and engaging in democracy today; more people sharing their knowledge with family, friends and communities; and more WEA volunteers participating in the life of the Association and developing its campaigns: democracy in action.
And we will use the project as a catalyst for strengthening democracy and rights education, into the future.
Click here for more information about this course and the WEA.
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