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In 2015, the lively and historic market town of Faversham joined in the 800th anniversary commemorations with ‘Magna Carta Rediscovered’, a major Kent touring exhibition, plus a host of special events.

Faversham can boast a special right to be part of these commemorations as proud owners of an edition of Magna Carta dated 1300, the last reissue of the document and featuring King Edward I’s seal.

The touring exhibition embraces a range of interactive tecniques that bring Magna Carta to life and launched in Faversham at The Alexander Centre on 23rd May 2015. Partly funded by Heritage Lottery, the free exhibition enables significant public access to rare and unseen historical documents from this period. The tour also features the 1300 re-issue of Faversham’s Magna Carta for the first time.

Other events in the town included a ‘Magna Carta Weekend’ on the 13th and 14th June, the highlight being a Medieval Fayre. ‘Protest, Democracy and the Law’, an exhibition staged by the Faversham Society, highlighted the long history of protest in Faversham, starting in 1300. Shepherd Neame, Britain’s Oldest Brewer and located in the centre of Faversham, has brewed a specially commissioned Magna Carta ale.

Click here to visit the dedicated Magna Carta Rediscovered website.

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