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Oxford Brookes University has received a grant of £15,000 from the Magna Carta Trust’s 800th Anniversary Commemoration Committee.

The money supports the University’s project, ‘Why Magna Carta: The Oxford Brookes Oxfordshire Schools Project’. The Magna Carta project will comprise of a 12 month collaboration between Oxford Brookes staff and students, Oxfordshire primary and secondary schools and young people from organisations within the community.

This project will provide a framework to build on existing partnerships between Brookes students and local schools and the establishment of a regular event for debate and discussion around issues of political and social importance.

The project is taking place during this academic year and will provide three opportunities for young people to engage and reflect on the meaning and significance of Magna Carta in contemporary British society. The opportunities are:

  • The Historical Understanding Project involving Brookes students and staff working with schools throughout the academic year, aimed at Year 7 students
  • The Magna Carta Symposium, a one-day event on 24 March 2015 hosted at Oxford Brookes.  Staff and students from across the University delivered workshops and talks inspired by Magna Carta, aimed at pupils in Year 10 to 13
  • A Modern Magna Carta, a challenge to primary and secondary schools to create a physical response to the Magna Carta in relation to young people today, leading to an exhibition of work in Oxford Brookes’ Glass Tank exhibition space from 22 June to 24 July 2015.

In addition, Oxford Brookes’ chancellor Shami Chakrabarti and former chancellors Helena Kennedy and Jon Snow took part in the panel discussion ‘On Liberty, Magna Carta and our future’ to mark the 150th anniversary of Oxford Brookes University.

Aimed to engage specifically with young people, the project compliments a suite of other activities taking place across Oxfordshire in celebration of Magna Carta’s 800th Anniversary.


For more information, please contact Natalie Wallace Communications Officer for Oxford Brookes University, on [email protected] or call 01865 48 4454

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