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January 23, 2015

Sir Robert Worcester KBE DL, “Magna Carta, Virginia and the Special Relationship”, Virginia Bar Association

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23 January 2015, Sir Robert Worcester KBE DL, “Magna Carta, Virginia and the Special Relationship”, Virginia Bar Association

Good afternoon. I’m delighted to be here in the Old Dominion, back in the State of Virginia, recalling with great fondness having been drawn to Virginia many times, going back sixty years. I was especially honoured to have been the co­chairman of the Jamestown British Committee on the 400t11 anniversary of the Founding of the First Permanent English-Speaking Colony in the New World. I was even in Williamsburg for the Bicentennial in 1976 on the 4th of July. Where better a place to be, anywhere in the World, on that momentous day?

I’ve been really looking forward to returning to Virginia this time, for last time was in 2007 on the 400th anniversary of Jamestown visit. Lady Worcester and I have never been treated with a better welcome, and such a collegiate and friendly reception (with an unfo1iunate single exception, of which more later) and, mostly, fond memories.

From the time we arrived at JFK on that visit (with a single unfortunate exception, of which more later) together with some 25 members of the Pilgrim Society of Great Britain, ( of which more later), wending our way from historic battlefields to historic houses, we ended up at the Williamsburg Inn, well indoctrinated in colonial American and Federal history, as well as being well housed, well fed and ve1y well watered ( of which more later).

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